Slip Lab has NATA Accreditation, (Accreditation No 20858) which means you can be assured that our standards meet the highest guidelines.
When businesses choose a NATA accredited supplier they can be sure that:

- Accredited specifications will be met
- There will be certainty and reliability in the supply chain
- They can rely on the supplier’s technical competence and capability
- Like can be compared to like in a competitive market-place
- They are show-casing a quality-centric approach
- They will reduce the risk of failure and downtime
- Measurements and tests are accurate and have been carried out in compliance with best practice.
NATA is Australia’s leading national accreditation body, recognised by government to assess organisations against a number of international standards for laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing scheme providers and reference material producers. NATA provides accreditation services to conformity assessment bodies which facilitate stakeholders having confidence in test, measurement and inspection data and thus enabling them to gain national and international acceptance of their products and services.